We have kept a budget most of our married life, so we are used to a budget and sticking to it. We use an Excel spreadsheet. Some of the costs on the road are much the same as you have in a house, just some different categories. These are some very basic costs. This is … Continue reading 6 Months Costs Full Time
6 Months full time
It’s been 6 months since we have been living full time in the van. Our tiny home on wheels. So how has it gone, how have we found it, are we ready to pack up and head back to a brick and mortar home, are we still married or are we just getting started … Continue reading 6 Months full time
Notch Point
Notch Point is touted as being the best free camp in Qld. Is this true or is it just hype and over rated. What did we think? Do we agree it’s the best, one of the best or yeah nah? Comments in WikiCamps like “stunning outlook” “Cracker of a spot” “Great free camp” “Amazing, highly … Continue reading Notch Point
Babinda Farm Stay
We stayed a couple of nights at the Babinda Rainforest Farm & Alpacas. Absolutely lovely place. Lovely lush green grass, running clear creek, walks, chooks, ducks, alpacas, geese, ulysses butterflies, cassowaries. Very peaceful. The only downside is large horse flies that bite (which may be seasonal) and being in the rainforest particularly near the creek … Continue reading Babinda Farm Stay
Perfect one day…. Raining the next, that is Queensland for you, especially this year. Queensland Heritage Park at Biloela has only been opened back up for a few days after being closed for sometime due to recent rains and wet ground. Also their annual Old Wheels in Motion Rally. Due to being a heavy vehicle … Continue reading History
Perfect one day………
Ahh finally a few fine days in a row and not freezing We spent a few nights at Calliope at the River on the south side. When we drove in we were a little shocked at the number of campers. We have stayed here several times and never seen it this busy, seems to … Continue reading Perfect one day………
The Great Escape
After being delayed in Brisbane for a few weeks we were getting itchy feet and going a bit stir crazy being isolated. We started planning “Our Great Escape” heading north, to warmer pastures. Our prisoner escape committee consisted of Chris, chief engineer and driver, Kate planner, organiser and cook and Jess the faithful companion chief … Continue reading The Great Escape
We slowly made our way back towards Brisbane with a scheduled appointment we had been waiting on. Passing through Kingaroy and Nanango luckily before the heavy rains came and caused flooding in the towns. This is the loop we did over the last 7 weeks, while we were waiting for an appointment date. In Brisbane … Continue reading Wescloud
Cattle, cow, bull, Mucka?
Roma is another one of those places we often fuel up and keep on driving. This time we had planned to stay one night in Roma, visit a few stores for some supplies, check out the local sites, fuel up and leave the next day. After a big day shopping we decided we needed another … Continue reading Cattle, cow, bull, Mucka?
Sunset Way
We have survived (just) the mossie plague of 2022. We stayed at Meandarra for 3 days and the first day in particular they were really bad. We were ready to leave the next day but the cold weather has knocked them back a bit. The whole region is bad at the moment we have been … Continue reading Sunset Way