We have kept a budget most of our married life, so we are used to a budget and sticking to it. We use an Excel spreadsheet. Some of the costs on the road are much the same as you have in a house, just some different categories. These are some very basic costs. This is … Continue reading 6 Months Costs Full Time
Notch Point
Notch Point is touted as being the best free camp in Qld. Is this true or is it just hype and over rated. What did we think? Do we agree it’s the best, one of the best or yeah nah? Comments in WikiCamps like “stunning outlook” “Cracker of a spot” “Great free camp” “Amazing, highly … Continue reading Notch Point
Perfect one day………
Ahh finally a few fine days in a row and not freezing We spent a few nights at Calliope at the River on the south side. When we drove in we were a little shocked at the number of campers. We have stayed here several times and never seen it this busy, seems to … Continue reading Perfect one day………
Heading South
Alas our time in paradise had to come to an end. With only 2 weeks left we had to keep moving south. We called into Tully to look at the Giant Golden Gumboot a monument to the record breaking rains of 1950, when 7.9m of rainfall made it the wettest town in Australia. There are … Continue reading Heading South
Once we left Archer Creek we popped into Milla Milla falls as it’s only a short detour off the main hwy, before continuing on to Innisfail to do some much needed grocery shopping. Wind Turbines on Windy Hill Wind Farm at Ravenshoe. Our completed route so far. Red line shows where we have been. Then … Continue reading Babinda
Archer Creek Rest Area
We left Cobbold Gorge about 8.30am, the trip back into Forsayth taking the best part of an hour. We stopped at Georgetown for morning tea before continuing along the Savannah Way stopping at any place of interest along the way. One stop was Mt Surprise which is one of the stops of the Savannahlander train … Continue reading Archer Creek Rest Area
We got up pretty smartly this morning to pop down to the markets at the Sunset Tavern, walking distance from the park. Even at that time it was warming up and we knew we were in for a hot day. There was only a handful of stalls and not the sort of things we were … Continue reading Croydon
There were several big trucks passing by overnight, making it a bit noisy at times, overall all a good place to stop for the night. The road up to Burke and Wills Roadhouse was very good and 2 lanes. From there to Normanton the road was rougher and at times only single lane. We were … Continue reading Normanton
First Settlers Park Rest Area is a great area just off the D'Aguilar Hwy at Benarkin, not far from Blackbutt in Qld. 48hrs stay, open grassy area with plenty of flat spots. Toilets, showers, bins, dogs allowed, mobile reception, suitable for all types of RV’s and tents. There is also a small playground which our … Continue reading Benarkin
From Bonshaw we went via Texas which was indeed packed with campers, probably hunkering down while the school holidays were on. Plenty of space though. From there it was the back way up to Toowoomba. It is now a very busy place and so green compared to where we have been. Out to Hampton and down … Continue reading Toogoolawah