As we have travelled around Australia and stayed at free rest areas or low cost camping sites, we started taking notes and rating them for our own records. So we could remembered where we stayed, what facilities it had and what we thought of the place. If possible we took some photos to help remind us. It has grown to cover over 100 campsites or rest areas in over 5 states, with the list forever growing. These days we don’t give them a rating anymore or use a specific key to list what is or isn’t there.
A lot of the campsites where we have stayed can be found in the book known as the Travellers Bible, “Camps Australia Wide” which covers most of the free or low cost camps around Australia, but as we have found not all of them. There are now camping apps like Wikicamps, which is a user generated camping app for iPhone, iPad and Android.
We also try and take photos of each campsite to help jog the memory and show what the place is like, as they say a picture paints a thousand words. Sometimes for whatever reason we don’t have any photos of the campsite, might have arrived after dark and left early, might not have been appropriate or we were slack, it happens. This is a work in progress that is forever evolving.
Sometimes it can be difficult to post on the road, so often we leave updating the website with our campsites until we get home. Each post is back dated so the dates shown for a post are the dates we stayed there. Every time we post onto our site it does send out an email to everyone following our site.
In the bottom footer you can find “Campsites” with a list of states with each campsite for that state listed under it.