24/7/13 – It was a rather noisy night and warm and then we were awake early with the birds. It was heating up fast, so we packed up and then had showers. Left the park around 9am.
Filled up with fuel $1.70L, then called into Woolworths, got a hot chicken for lunch and some bread. Bread is kept in the freezer section. We were pleasantly surprised at the prices, not much dearer than home.
72 km out of Weipa is the turnoff to Batavia Downs which is the road that crosses over to the Telegraph Road south of Moreton Telegraph Station, saves 1 1/2 hrs compared to going right back down the PDR to where it joins the Telegraph Road. Apparently this road can be closed due to mustering, so make sure you check it’s open, we found it to be a good road.
We had a lunch stop at Bramwell Junction. The plan was to camp here for the night but …………..
Two ways to the top.
Camping area at Bramwell Junction.
Collection of number plates from the crossings.
After lunch we decided to go down to the Palm Creek just to have a look. The original crossing is a bit hairy and not too many people tackled that crossing, we heard those that did got some panel damage.
Just looking, honest
Mmm maybe not.
The exit.
The verdict, Chris says you would have to be a little nuts to tackle it
We did get to watch a bunch of quad bikes go across. They look like they were having fun and it was great fun for us to watch and get some photos.
Several had issues going up the other side.
Some tried an alternative way up the hill.
100m up the creek was another path across, bit of a challenge but we considered it was doable. We kind of talked a couple of other people also towing camper trailers into it with the offer we would winch them out if needed. After watching a few others go through, It was decided to fill in a couple of holes and take a sharp edge off. Before we knew it we were letting tyres down a bit more and getting the winch ready, GoPro in place and down we went.
Yep we can do this
This was the crossing we were most concerned about on the southern section of the OTT and happens to be the first crossing. We did get bogged in the water down the bottom, Chris was taking it slow when he needed to hit the gas a bit but we got through and up the bumpy other side. Should point out this crossing had it’s own exit but didn’t get a photo of that. We let out a yeah, high five we did it, what a thrill, awesome, one of the hardest crossing on the south of the OTT done. Whoo hoo. The other campers also got through no worries.
Yeah, lots of fun, glorious mud
Next was Dulcie Creek. Bit deep in the middle, needed to come around the Cnr and to the right. Had to be careful and pick the right line going out, we got up fine. Did lift a wheel on the way up.
Dulcie had a tricky exit so you had to be careful what line you took.
Next trailer through took a slightly wrong line and had one wheel hanging in the air unable to get up. Chris had to winch him up. Lots of fun to watch.
Next trailer got through fine. It was decided to camp at Dulcie with the other guys joining us, who turned out to be “My Swaggers”. We were given a free sticker as thanks for winching them out
We had a quiet night chatting, early bed, mulling over the days events. Our companions said they were camped next to someone at Weipa who had rolled their car at Dulcie, just because they took the wrong line, slow and steady and walk it first is the way to go.
[googlemaps https://maps.google.com/maps?q=http:%2F%2Fgpx2kml.com%2Fpublic%2F2013%2F07%2F30%2F24wou3clg_20130724WeipaDulcieCk.kml&ie=UTF8&t=m&ll=-12.275599,142.267456&spn=0.644105,0.878906&z=10&output=embed&w=640&h=480]
Click on the link above for a larger version in Google Maps of the days travels.